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Accessing node information

Current node

In template files you have access to the node that is currently being rendered prior to those scripts being uploaded.

Below is an example of querying the current node's information and outputting it to a file:


echo "### CURRENT NODE" >> node_info.txt
echo "[ID: ${}] Name: ${node.instance_name} || Connection: ${node.username}@${node.public_ip} || Provider: ${node.provider}" >> node_info.txt
echo "### CURRENT NODE" >> node_info.txt

Save this file in the location of your defined scripts and give it a indexed name of where in the order it should be executed, for example, 01-show-node-info1.

All nodes

In some cases you may need to grab information from another node in the deployment, for example, a second node running Kibana in which the first node needs to perform some kind of API calls against it.

We can accomplish this using the db and modules that's exposed in our templates. Create a file 02-curl-remote with the following:

sudo pip install httpie
KIBANA_HOST=${node.instance_name.contains(["kibana"]).first() or '')}

http -a username:passsword -f GET https://$KIBANA_HOST:5601/fleet/setup kbn-xsrf:ogc

  1. See the Scripting documentation for ordering of files.